Improvable Ideas

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I have always been of the philosophy that some of the most important learning children do through exploring the world around them on their own. That children will learn what they are ready to learn, when they are ready to learn it. Having worked in the Early Years for so long I would often take a stand back and watch approach to children learning and allow for them to learn from each other. I valued children creating meaning on their own through their experiences. Watching my own two children grow and develop through the early years has changing this thinking slightly. I now see the power of encouraging to consider new ways of thinking, develop theories and ideas about the world around them. Instead of taking a hands off approach I am there to inquire and wonder alongside them.


In Knowledge Building the idea that ideas are always improvable has really made an impact on my thinking of learning. When we focus on encouraging children to grow their ideas and theories of concepts instead of front loading the information it creates powerful learning. Children develop and improve ideas through experiences, sharing and receiving feedback, responding to questions, trial and error, experimenting, researching and collaboration.


An example of an improvable idea:

Starting idea about planting seeds:

L: It will grow tiny and then big and then grow peas.

M:How will it grow?

L:It will grow by using the sun

M: I know it uses the sun and the soil

T: How do you think it uses them to grow?

L: It eats the soil and the sun gives it vitamin D and then it drinks the water and grows.

*** Reads a book about plants

L: I learned that the sun use photosynthesis to make food!!!

M: They make their own food!!!!!

T: But how?

L: The leaves collect the sun using their leaves. I knew that!!!!

M: They make sugar as food.

L: I think it was called glucose

M: that is sugar

T: I remember you said that eats the soil. Has that idea changed?

L: Ya it doesn’t eat the soil. The roots bring it up.

M: Thats why they need water, the soil nutrients go into the water and the roots bring up the water.

**** Experiments dissolving soil in water

L: The soil doesn’t dissolve.

M: I know that you cant see things that are dissolved. Maybe it did.

T: I wonder what are the nutrients that plants take from soil?

***Research what nutrients plants need

M: See we cant see those things as they are so tiny. The nutrients from the soil go into the water.

Continues… to improve idea through inquiry


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