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Hmmmm…. Talking with a ECE mentor of mine who has pushed me along in my career about Knowledge Building Pedagogy in the early years she led me to considering how this is just a form/ method of constructionist pedagogy. She suggested that I may know more about this then I realize and compared much of our teaching at Nature Kindergarten with constructivism. I realized that what I was looking for when I started this was a “how to”, a “to do list”, a “road map” to how to be intentional in my practice around creating knowledge.

I often feel like people want this how to manual to practice. They want to learn the easy way. But changing your practice and pedagogy takes time, trial and error and critical reflection.

Recently I had an interesting conversation with some mentors about the difference between a philosophy and practice. That so often our philosophy and our practice do not line up. What we think and hope our practice look like and what it actually look do not add up.

So for me I hold strong belief that constuctivist pedagogy is impact for children’s learning. But I am having a difficult time identifying it in my own practice.

Interested in learning more about constructivism?

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